About the conference

A distinguished feature of Hopf algebras is that they allow us to describe in purely algebraic terms the symmetries of geometric spaces, both in the more classical commutative setting and in the more modern noncommutative one. The relationship is so tight that, since the study of noncommutative spaces and their symmetries has been largely inspired by phenomena in quantum physics, Hopf algebras appearing in this setting are often referred to as quantum groups.
In addition, a central role in Hopf algebra theory is played by their categories of representations, which turn out to be closed and monoidal in a compatible way. In this direction, a mayor line of investigation in the modern approach to this field focuses on the fact that, under reasonably mild conditions, monoidal categories can be related to representation categories of suitably constructed Hopf algebras.
The three main topics of the conference: Hopf algebras, quantum groups and monoidal categories, represent then three aspects of the same fundamental theme. The aim of this meeting is to gather international experts, young promising researchers and PhD students together, in order to share the newest ideas, results and advances in the field.
Hopf25 is open to everyone interested in Hopf algebras and related structures, such as weak Hopf algebras, quasi Hopf algebras, (quasi)triangulated Hopf algebras, multiplier Hopf algebras, Hopfish algebras, Hopf algebroids, Hopf monads, Hopf categories, skew monoidal categories, braided monoidal categories, (modular) tensor categories, fusion categories, ribbon categories, TQFTs, Nichols algebras, (skew) braces, bracoids, trusses, Hopf-Galois theory, Tannaka duality, partial representations, 2-representations, module categories, categorification, to mention but a few.


The full list of speakers will be released closer to the event.
If you would like to find the presentation of your talk on this website, please contact Paolo Saracco.

Keynote speakers

  • Nicolás Andruskiewitsch (Córdoba)
  • Shahn Majid (London)
  • Vanessa Miemietz (Norwich)
  • Dmitri Nikshych (Durham)
  • Chelsea Walton (Houston)

Plenary speakers

A. Ardizzoni (Italy)
J. Fuchs (Sweden)
S. Halbig (Germany)
A. Henriques (UK)
D. Jaklitsch (Sweden)
S. Lentner (Germany)
R. Ó Buachalla (Czech Republic)
P. Schauenburg (France)
K. Shimizu (Japan)
N. Snyder (USA)
A. Virelizier (France)
T. Weber (Czech Republic)

Parallel sessions

P. Aschieri (Italy)
R. Aziz (Indonesia)
A. Banerjee (India)
A. Baker (UK)
S. Barbier (Belgium)
E. Batista (Brazil)
Y. Bazlov (UK)
A. K. Bhattacharjee (Czech Republic)
L. Bottegoni (Italy)
K. Brown (UK)
S. Burciu (Romania)
N. Byott (UK)
A. Carotenuto (Italy)
A. Darlington (Belgium)
J. E. Davies (UK)
T. Décoppet (USA)
M. Dokuchaev (Brazil)
V. Ferreira (Brazil)
D. Ferri (Italy)
R. Fioresi (Italy)
R. González Rodríguez (Spain)
D. Green (USA)
P. Großkopf (UK)
T. Guédénon (Sénégal)
X. Han (UK)
C. Hatipoglu* (Kuwait)
T. Heidersdorf* (UK)
Y. Kashina
J. Kesten (USA)
S. Kour (India)
J. Krajczok (Belgium)
A. Langlois-Rémillard (Germany)
C. Lomp (Portugal)
M. Mahaman
R. Maksimau (France)
M. Manko (Switzerland)
A. Massar (Belgium)
M. Muller (Brazil/USA)
T. H. E. Nguyen (France)
A. Oswald (USA)
C. Pagani (Italy)
H. M. Peña Pollastri* (USA)
A. Rivezzi (Czech Republic)
A. Ros Camacho
A. Sciandra (Italy)
T. Shibata (Japan)
C. Singh (Australia)
Z. Škoda (Croatia)
Y. Sommerhäuser (Canada)
M. Stroiński (Sweden)
F. Taipe (Peru)
G. Vercleyen (USA)
A. Watkins (USA)
T. Zorman (Germany)

Poster session

D. Ahuja (India)
N. A. Bridges (USA)
P. Catoire (France)
S. Chemla (France)
J. Lindell (Sweden)
D. Matei (Romania)
S. Meereboer (Netherlands)
B. Ramos Pérez (Spain)
C. Roulants (Belgium)
S. Saneblidze (Georgia)
J. Timmins (UK)
H. Xu (Germany)

* to be confirmed


The conference will start Tuesday April 22 in the morning and end Saturday April 26 at noon

Tuesday 22/04 Wednesday 23/04 Thursday 24/04 Friday 25/04 Saturday 26/04
09:30 - 10:00 Plenary talk Plenary talk Plenary talk Plenary talk
10:00 - 10:30 Plenary talk Plenary talk Plenary talk Plenary talk
10:30 - 11:00 Welcome and registration Plenary talk Plenary talk Plenary talk Plenary talk
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
11:30 - 12:30 Keynote talk Keynote talk Keynote talk Keynote talk Keynote talk
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:00 - 14:30 Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions
14:30 - 15:00 Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions
15:00 - 15:30 Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
16:00 - 16:30 Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions
16:30 - 17:00 Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions
Evening Social dinner


People interested in participating may register by filling in the form below.
The deadline is January 31, 2025 for registration and abstract submission.
The deadline is March 20, 2025 for late registration; we do not accept new contributions.

Registration form

There is a registration fee of 100 EUR, covering coffee breaks and lunch tickets for the student restaurant.
There is another (optional) cost of 70 EUR for the conference dinner.
A registration only becomes definitive after payment of the fee, which can be done at a separate secured payment page of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB):

Payment form

to which you will also find a link on the last page of the registration form.
Payment can be done via debit or credit card.
You can pay the fee immediately or wait (e.g. until news about acceptance of your contribution), the deadline for payment is March 31, 2025.

Warning: We do not have any agreement with travel agencies or hotels to reserve accommodation or flights for participants, yet. If we have to contact you, we will do this via our email addresses. Please, if you are contacted by anybody offering help in reserving accommodation or travels, contact us before answering.


Additional details will be provided closer to the event.

How to get to Brussels

By plane - Brussels has two international airports: Brussels Zaventem (BRU) and Brussels South Charleroi (CRL).
Brussels Zaventem is well-connected to the city by train and by bus. From Brussels Charleroi there are numerous Flibco Shuttle buses leading directly to Bruxelles-Midi or trains from Charleroi city to Bruxelles Central and Midi.

By train - Brussels has many train stations. The main ones are Bruxelles-Midi (which is reached by high-speed trains such as Eurostars or TGVs) and Bruxelles-Central.

How to reach the campus

From Bruxelles-Central one can

  • take a metro (number 5, direcion Herrmann-Debroux) until “Delta" (which brings you directly to the ULB/VUB campus)
  • take a bus (number 71, direction Delta) to the ULB/VUB campus (stop “Fraiteur”, not “ULB”. The latter one is the other campus of ULB)
  • take any train to the station “Etterbeek”, which is 15 minutes walking from the ULB campus.
Each of these options have a very frequent operation (about every 5 to 10 minutes). Including walking and waiting for connection, you should count about 40 minutes travel between Bruxelles-Central and the campus. For schedules of busses, metro and train, an easy option is to consult Google maps.
Tickets for metro/tram/bus can be purchased at the train station, online, or often directly on board by paying contactless with your bank card (at 2.10€/journey). You can buy either individual tickets (at 2.60€/ticket), or get a “MOBIB card” (at 6€) and a 10 journeys ticket (at 16.80 €). For more information, you can visit the website of STIB-MIVB.

How to get around in Brussels

Usually the easiest way to move is by Metro, but also buses and trams are not to be neglected. Please, check the webpage of STIB-MIVB or Google Maps.
Campus La Plaine is reached by Metro Line number 5 and Bus number 71.

Where to stay in Bruxelles

As there are very few hotels close to the campus, we suggest to choose an hotel closer to the city center. Here is a short list of possible alternatives.


  • Ana Agore
  • Stefaan Caenepeel
  • Kenny De Commer
  • Julia Plavnik
  • Paolo Saracco
  • Špela Špenko
  • Pedro Vaz
  • Leandro Vendramin
  • Joost Vercruysse
  • Yinhuo Zhang
  • Sponsors